415 research outputs found

    Technique for Evaluating Multiple Probability Occurrences /TEMPO/

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    Technique is described for adjustment of engineering response information by broadening the application of statistical subjective stimuli theory. The study is specifically concerned with a mathematical evaluation of the expected probability of relative occurrence which can be identified by comparison rating techniques

    Conservative formulations of general relativistic kinetic theory

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    Experience with core-collapse supernova simulations shows that accurate accounting of total particle number and 4-momentum can be a challenge for computational radiative transfer. This accurate accounting would be facilitated by the use of particle number and 4-momentum transport equations that allow transparent conversion between volume and surface integrals in both configuration and momentum space. Such conservative formulations of general relativistic kinetic theory in multiple spatial dimensions are presented in this paper, and their relevance to core-collapse supernova simulations is described.Comment: 48 page

    Dark matter sterile neutrinos in stellar collapse: alteration of energy/lepton number transport and a mechanism for supernova explosion enhancement

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    We investigate matter-enhanced Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) active-sterile neutrino conversion in the νe⇌νs\nu_e \rightleftharpoons \nu_s channel in the collapse of the iron core of a pre-supernova star. For values of sterile neutrino rest mass msm_s and vacuum mixing angle θ\theta (specifically, 0.5keV5×10−120.5 {\rm keV} 5\times{10}^{-12}) which include those required for viable sterile neutrino dark matter, our one-zone in-fall phase collapse calculations show a significant reduction in core lepton fraction. This would result in a smaller homologous core and therefore a smaller initial shock energy, disfavoring successful shock re-heating and the prospects for an explosion. However, these calculations also suggest that the MSW resonance energy can exhibit a minimum located between the center and surface of the core. In turn, this suggests a post-core-bounce mechanism to enhance neutrino transport and neutrino luminosities at the core surface and thereby augment shock re-heating: (1) scattering-induced or coherent MSW νe→νs\nu_e\to\nu_s conversion occurs deep in the core, at the first MSW resonance, where νe\nu_e energies are large (∼150\sim 150 MeV); (2) the high energy νs\nu_s stream outward at near light speed; (3) they deposit their energy when they encounter the second MSW resonance νs→νe\nu_s\to\nu_e just below the proto-neutron star surface.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Sterile Neutrino-Enhanced Supernova Explosions

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    We investigate the enhancement of lepton number, energy, and entropy transport resulting from active-sterile neutrino conversion νe→νs\nu_e\to\nu_s deep in the post-bounce supernova core followed by re-conversion νs→νe\nu_s\to\nu_e further out, near the neutrino sphere. We explicitly take account of shock wave and neutrino heating modification of the active neutrino forward scattering potential which governs sterile neutrino production. We find that the νe\nu_e luminosity at the neutrino sphere could be increased by between ∼10\sim 10 % and ∼100\sim 100 % during the crucial shock re-heating epoch if the sterile neutrino has a rest mass and vacuum mixing parameters in ranges which include those required for viable sterile neutrino dark matter. We also find sterile neutrino transport-enhanced entropy deposition ahead of the shock. This `` pre-heating\rq\rq can help melt heavy nuclei and thereby reduce the nuclear photo-dissociation burden on the shock. Both neutrino luminosity enhancement and pre-heating could increase the likelihood of a successful core collapse supernova explosion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Simulation of Coherent Non-Linear Neutrino Flavor Transformation in the Supernova Environment I: Correlated Neutrino Trajectories

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    We present results of large-scale numerical simulations of the evolution of neutrino and antineutrino flavors in the region above the late-time post-supernova-explosion proto-neutron star. Our calculations are the first to allow explicit flavor evolution histories on different neutrino trajectories and to self-consistently couple flavor development on these trajectories through forward scattering-induced quantum entanglement. Employing the atmospheric-scale neutrino mass-squared difference and values of theta_13 allowed by current bounds, we find transformation of neutrino and antineutrino flavors over broad ranges of energy and luminosity in roughly the ``bi-polar'' collective mode. We find that this large-scale flavor conversion, largely driven by the flavor off-diagonal neutrino-neutrino forward scattering potential, sets in much closer to the proto-neutron star than simple estimates based on flavor-diagonal potentials and Mikeheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein evolution would indicate. In turn, this suggests that models of r-process nucleosynthesis sited in the neutrino-driven wind could be affected substantially by active-active neutrino flavor mixing, even with the small measured neutrino mass-squared differences.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, revtex4 format. Version accepted by PR

    Supernova Studies at ORLaND

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    A new facility to measure neutrino mass differences and mixing angles and neutrino-nucleus cross sections, such as the proposed ORLaND facility at Oak Ridge, would contribute to the experimental determination of vacuum mixing parameters and would provide an experimental foundation for the many neutrino-nucleus weak interaction rates needed in supernova models. This would enable more realistic supernova models and a far greater ability to cull fundamental physics from these models by comparing them with detailed observations. Charged- and neutral-current neutrino interactions on nuclei in the stellar core play a central role in supernova dynamics, nucleosynthesis, and neutrino detection. Measurements of these reactions on select, judiciously chosen targets would provide an invaluable test of the complex theoretical models used to compute the neutrino-nucleus cross sections.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Carolina Symposium on Neutrino Physics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, March 10-12, 200

    Toward a Standard Model of Core Collapse Supernovae

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    In this paper, we discuss the current status of core collapse supernova models and the future developments needed to achieve significant advances in understanding the supernova mechanism and supernova phenomenology, i.e., in developing a supernova standard model.Comment: To appear in Nuclear Physics A, in the proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, June 27-July 1, 200

    Black hole formation in core-collapse supernovae and time-of-flight measurements of the neutrino masses

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    In large stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel, the stellar core collapses to a hot and dense proto-neutron star that cools by the radiation of neutrinos and antineutrinos of all flavors. Depending on its final mass, this may become either a neutron star or a black hole. Black hole formation may be triggered by mass accretion or a change in the high-density equation of state. We consider the possibility that black hole formation happens when the flux of neutrinos is still measurably high. If this occurs, then the neutrino signal from the supernova will be terminated abruptly (the transition takes ≲0.5 ms). The properties and duration of the signal before the cutoff are important measures of both the physics and astrophysics of the cooling proto-neutron star. For the event rates expected in present and proposed detectors, the cutoff will generally appear sharp, thus allowing model-independent time-of-flight mass tests for the neutrinos after the cutoff. If black hole formation occurs relatively early, within a few (∼1) seconds after core collapse, then the expected luminosities are of order LBH=1052 erg/s per flavor. In this case, the neutrino mass sensitivity can be extraordinary. For a supernova at a distance D=10 kpc, SuperKamiokande can detect a ν̅e mass down to 1.8 eV by comparing the arrival times of the high-energy and low-energy neutrinos in ν̅e+p→e++n. This test will also measure the cutoff time, and will thus allow a mass test of νμ and ντ relative to ν̅e. Assuming that νμ and ντ are nearly degenerate, as suggested by the atmospheric neutrino results, masses down to about 6 eV can be probed with a proposed lead detector of mass MD=4 kton (OMNIS). Remarkably, the neutrino mass sensitivity scales as (D/LBHMD)1/2. Therefore, direct sensitivity to all three neutrino masses in the interesting few-eV range is realistically possible; there are no other known techniques that have this capability
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